NKF-dk is holding a two-day congress for restorers and other professionals working with the concept of cultural heritage in the broader sense. It will take place on 3 and 4 October 2024 and we are delighted to be taking part again.
We are pleased to announce that we are building a Thermo Lignum Warmair chamber as part of the NORMORIA project in Kristiansund. Here are the first pictures.
This year we were finally able to set up the warm air chamber for our Malaysian customer. We originally planned to build it last year, but were set back in our schedule by the pandemic. Now it has finally worked. To illustrate the installation we let the camera run for a week during our work.
Beautiful order in Paris. The Rodin Museum Meudon commissioned Thermo Lignum with the humidity-controlled warmair treatment of some of its objects. We were allowed to treat both - sculptures and inventory with our mobile Thermo Lignum Chamber.